Tharun Adhi Narayan
Hello! I am a Software Engineer at Workato. I have graduated from Singapore University Of Technology and Design (SUTD) with a Bachelors Of Engineering in Computer Science.
Hello! I am a Software Engineer at Workato. I have graduated from Singapore University Of Technology and Design (SUTD) with a Bachelors Of Engineering in Computer Science.
As a Software Enginner at Workato, I am currently developing robust, stable, and fault-tolerant connectors to the world's top applications. In addition, I am also working on adding new features to the Workato SDK, to improve developer experience.
As a Software Engineer Intern, my primary task was to ideate and develop a mobile application which would reflect Resync’s web portal. The web portal,, is the user interface that Resync clients use to get insightful details about their sites and assets. My initial task was to design and wireframe certain pages for the mobile application. After which I developed the mobile application in Flutter. Once, the development was mostly completed, I built an end to end CI/CD pipeline to automatically test, build and deploy the mobile application to the Android PlayStore and the Apple AppStore. I also worked on writing backend API calls for the mobile application as well.
As a Design Engineer, my primary task was building prototypes for products that the company wants to launch in various domains using cadding and programming. I was also given a wide range of secondary tasks. These include graphic designing, video editing, managing the Innovation Hub, conducting market research and competitor analysis etc.
Took inspiration from pin impression toys and came up with the novel idea to mimic the artefacts in museums using pins, eventually securing funding from Asian Civilisation Museum for the idea beating out 12 other teams The software portion of the project consists two major portions. The first portion is the web application that the museum staff can use to build out the animations that can be shown on the hardware. The other portion is programming the micro controllers to handle the pins in the hardware device. I was more involved in the web application side. I helped to build out the animation player page in the web application using Reactjs. Other than that, I helped out with building the Flask API service to translate the CAD of the artefacts into 150 points to be shown in the hardware device.
Tech Stack: Reactjs, Flask, AWS MQTT, Firebase
Certoshi is a certificate issuance and verification system powered by Ethereum Smart Contracts (DApp). Certoshi is a more convenient system as opposed to existing certificate management systems such as OpenCerts to allow users/institutions to verify certificates without the need for Blockchain tools such as Ganache, MetaMask etc. I helped incorporate encryption and decryption features for certificates in the web application using React and Smart Contracts using Solidity to ensure data privacy on the Rinkeby Network. I also added an end-to-end revoke certificate feature to allow institutions to easily revoke previously issued certificates on the blockchain when any wrong-doing is found.
Tech Stack: Reactjs, Ethereum Smart Contracts (Solidity), Truffle, Ganache, MetaMask
ScreenLife Capture is a proprietary softare that unobtrusively captures high-frequency screenshots (every 5 seconds) on smartphones, providing rich behavioral smartphone use data which can be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. I developed a feature in the mobile application to resend the screenshots when they fail to upload all the screenshots. I also created api calls in flask to support this the resending feture. I was able to learn how to use google cloud functions to wrap the flask api, to help with auto-scaling. The research is currently underway with 30 participants and 500,000 screenshots collected so far.
Tech Stack: Android, Flask, GCP Cloud Functions
This is a databases project, that requires us to make a production system and a analytics system. The production system is a full stack web application that performs CRUD tasks on book reviews. The production system consists of a front-end website (js,html,css) , REST Api (flask) and 2 databases (MongoDB and MySQL). The analytics system is a Hadoop and Spark cluster running on EC2s that performs analytics tasks on the data about the book reviews. All the systems must be automatically deployed through the use of scripts on to basic OS image EC2s. I worked on creating all the automation scripts to set-up and tear-down all the systems. Received 23/25 for the project!
Tech Stack: Boto, Python, AWS EC2
Made a website for the university capstone office. The purpose of the website is to automatically assign space for exhibits over a exhibition space given a set of constraints. The project details can be uploaded to the website in excel format. I worked on constructing the 2D-packing algorithm, including the constraints provided by the user in Javascript. I also helped create the user interface using Html, CSS. To make web application more robust I integrated unit-testing, integration-testing and used Selenium for automated-testing.
Tech Stack: Javascript, HTML, CSS
Developed an Andriod app to provide a convenient platform for people ordering food online to quickly locate other like-minded people who stay near their location and easily ‘pool’ orders, allowing them to save on delivery costs, as they will be able to split it amongst more people. I was able to learn OOP practices through this project. I also integrated an in-app chat function to allow users to communicate through the app, using Firebase firestore and push-notification. I implemented map view to select location and connect users around the area using the Google Maps API.
Tech Stack: Java, Firebase
SUTD has various 3D printers around the campus for the students to use. However, current administrative procedures can cause confusion among students as they would be unsure of who is currently printing or how many people are in the queue to use the 3D printers if somebody does not update the logbooks due to negligence. Some might also hog the printer for multiple projects for them- selves. So we implemented credit system to ensure hassle-free queueing without any logbooks. I developed the user interface using Python, Kivy. I also architectured the back-end in Firebase to store and send credit info for multiple users.
Tech Stack: Python, Kivy, Firebase
Crossing traffic lights is a difficult for kids with autism, due to the various distractions that happen on the road. So, my team and I designed a traffic light and a wearable for children with autism to teach them how to cross traffic lights. I helped to construct a machine learning algorithm to detect traffic lights using OpenCV and Tensorflow.
Tech Stack: Python, Tensorflow, Sci-kit, OpenCV
I am a person who loves hiking and mountaineering. I was the vice-president of the SUTD mountaineering club. I organised mountaineering trips to Sichuan, China for ice-climbing and to Kazakhstan for an expedition.
I am an avid runner. I am part of the SUTD athletics club and represent my university at meets. My pet events are 200m and 400m.